Endangered Species

Government will not protect endangered monarch butterfly

The monarch population has fallen by 75% percent in the past three decades.  Although monarchs qualify for protection under the Endangered Species Act, federal officials say budgetary constraints cause them to ignore the butterfly in favor of higher-priority endangered species.  NY Times story here.

Organizations around the country are working to save the monarch butterfly.  Here are links to a few: Monarch WatchSave Our Monarchs Foundation,and the  Environmental Defense Fund.

Climate change causing huge loss in tropical insect invertebrate population

The Washington Post reports on a "hyperalarming" study showing dramatic loss of insects in pristine American tropical forest.  The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  The Post story notes that 35% of the world's plant crops require pollination by bees, wasps and other animals, so that if pollinators go extinct so will many plant species.